目的 通过测试语前聋儿童植入电极极间辨别能力 ,观测汉语声调识别结果 ,以了解电极极间辨差阈与汉语普通话声调辨别结果的关系 ,使言语处理方案和电听觉图更加合理和个性化。方法 14例语前聋儿童 ,Nucleus 2 4M型 (2 2通道 )人工耳蜗植入者参加本次测试。声调识别材料共 2 5组 ,采用封闭项列测试法进行测试 ,每组包括声母韵母相同、声调不同的 4个汉字。选择 7个电极与相近电极进行音高比较辨别测试 ,正确辨别出差异的最相近电极对为电极极间辨差阈值。结果声调正确识别率为 (6 2 .8± 14 .7) % ( x±s,下同 ) ,识别率最低为 35 % ,最高为 99% ,全部高于机会水平。电极极间辨差阈为 3.4± 0 .9。E 14和E 17电极的阈值最小 ,其次是E 10和E 2 0 ,与其它电极差异有显著性。不同受试者的电极极间辨差阈值差异也存在显著性。结论 人工耳蜗使用者的声调识别能力与电极极间辨别能力 ,有负相关趋势 ,但未见统计学上显著性差异 ,同时存在个体差异 。
Objective To investigate tone recognition and electrode discrimination in prelingually deafened children with the Nucleus device, and to develop guidelines for customized mapping in the implant users. Methods Fourteen prelingually deafened children with cochlear implants participated in this study. Tone recognition was measured with a four alternative, forced choice procedure from 25 consonant vowel syllables, each of which had four tonal variations. Electrode discrimination was measured using a same difference procedure on 7 pairs of electrodes covering the entire electrode array. Results Tone recognition ranged from 35% to 99% correct with a mean of 62.8% and standard deviation of 14.7% in these users. Electrode discrimination had the mean threshold of 3.4±0.9, with the best performance from the middle electrodes (E 14 and E 17) at 2.6 and the followed performance at the most apical electrode (E 20). Conclusion The results showed significant individual differences from both tone recognition and electrode discrimination, but there is significant correlation between them.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology