目的 探讨应用反求工程和快速原型技术进行下颌骨缺损修复的设计和植入体制作的可行性。方法 应用反求工程和快速原型技术完成 2例下颌骨缺损的修复体设计和制作 ,并行修复体植入术。结果 经计算机设计和严密制作的修复体术中仅数分钟顺利就位 ,各部件达到设计位置 ,术后患者面部外形与健侧对称 ,咬合关系良好 ,下颌偏斜纠正。结论 反求结合快速原型能够完成下颌骨缺损的修复体的设计和制造 ,提高了手术精度 ,节省了手术时间 。
Objective To evaluate the feasibility of designing and fabricating customized titanium bone substitutes to restore mandibular bone defects using reverse engineering (RE) and rapid prototyping (RP) techniques. Methods Titanium tray for mandibular defects were designed and fabricated through multi step procedures of reverse engineering and rapid prototyping, then in operation it was filled with cancellous bone and fixed. Results The bone substitutes fabricated by this method had been successfully put into clinical use for maxillofacial surgery in 2 patients and got a satisfactory result. Conclusions Reverse engineering combining with rapid prototyping could accomplish the design and manufacture of implant for the restoration of mandibular bone defects.
Chinese Journal of Stomatology