
广深高速公路交通事故流行病学调查 被引量:17

Epidemiological investigation on road traffic accidents on the Guangzhou-Shen zhen expressway
摘要 目的 探讨广深高速公路交通事故的流行病学特点和相关因素。 方法 对广深高速公路 1998~ 2 0 0 0年间所发生的 2 484起交通事故档案进行过录登记 ,经SPSS 10 .0统计软件分析处理。 结果 广深高速公路 1998年发生交通事故 891起 ,1999年 83 9起 ,2 0 0 0年 754起。每年 4~ 9月份事故多发 ,占 56.3 % (13 99/ 2 484) ;每日以 9:0 0~ 2 0 :0 0为事故高峰期 ,占 75.5% (1875/ 2 484) ;南北行 3 0~ 70km为事故高发路段 ;以白天、光亮、平直路段为高发因素 ;事故类型多为机动车碰撞 ,占 86.9% (2 158/ 2 484) ;驾驶员肇事原因以措施不当和违章为主、次要原因 ,占 83 .2 %(2 0 67/ 2 484) ;车辆因素以爆胎为主 ,占 3 4 .1% (848/ 2 484) ;2 484起交通事故死亡 12 8人 ,受伤 812人 ,均以颅脑为主要损伤部位。 结论 广深高速公路交通事故的危险因素主要是人的因素 ,事故发生与气温呈正相关 ,事故类型以碰撞为主 ,爆胎是重要的车辆因素。广深高速公路交通伤以颅脑为首发损伤部位 ,死亡患者以青壮年为主 ,颅脑损伤是第一死因。改善交通环境、加强交通管理、开展法规教育和安全教育。 Objectives To study the epidemiological features and r elating risk factors of road traffic injuries occurred on the Guangzhou-Shenzhe n expressway. Methods A retrospective analysis was done on 2 484 records about road traffic injuries occurred on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen ex pressay from 1998 to 2000. Data were analyzed with soft ware SPSS 10.0. Results There were 891 cases of traffic injuries in 1998, 839 in 19 99 and 754 in 2000. Injuries accounting for 56.3% (1 399/2 484) occurred from Ap ril to September and 75.5% (1 875/2 484) from nine a.m. to eight p.m. The most r isk routes were 30-70 kilometers from south to north in direction. Daytime, lig ht and straight road were the high risk factors. Traffic accidents accounting fo r 86.9% (2 158/2 484) were caused by motor vehicle collisions. The drivers accou nting for 83.2% (2 067/2 484) were mainly responsible for incorrect operation an d peccancy. The tyre blast was the leading reason in regard of vehicles, account ing for 34.1% (848/2 484) . Of all cases, 128 died and 812 injured, mainl y resulting from brain injury. Conclusions Human is the main risk factors among road traffic injuries on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen expressway . The traffic accidents occurs most frequently are due to vehicle collisions and the tyre blast dominates the risk factor in regard of vehicles. Most of death o ccurred in youths and postadolescents. The brain injury ranked the first. The im provement of traffic environment, education on law and safety and scientific pre vention of traffic accidents are key measures to prevent road traffic injury on the expressways.
出处 《中华创伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期139-141,共3页 Chinese Journal of Trauma
基金 广东省医学科研基金资助项目 (A 2 0 0 1 81 0 )
关键词 广深高速公路 交通事故 流行病学 颅脑损伤 危险因素 Accidents, traffic Wounds and injuries Epidemiolog y Expressway
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