目的 探索安全有效矫正鼻中隔高位及后段偏曲的手术方法。方法 采用鼻外进路,保留鼻中隔软骨,矫正鼻中隔偏曲。结果 1992年1月-2002年1月共治疗鼻中隔高位偏曲55例,术后随访6月-1年,鼻塞症状缓解42例,头痛症状缓解27例,嗅觉恢复12例;3例鞍鼻、16例歪鼻畸形者矫正满意,5例歪鼻半年后复发。该方法具有视野大,操作方便,不会引起鼻梁下塌等优点,可安全、彻底地矫正鼻中隔高位及后段偏曲。结论 鼻外进路治疗鼻中隔高位及后段偏曲比传统的鼻中隔矫正术更安全有效,并可同时矫正外鼻畸形。
OBJECTIVE To investigate a method for safe, simple and effective correction of upper and posterior nasal septum deviation. METHODS An incision was made in the vestibule, and the dorsonal periosteum was raised by peri-osteal elevator. From one side of the septal cartilage, the muco-perichondrium was separated. The upper and posterior nasal septum deviation and the nasel deformities were corrected with external septorhinoplastry. RESULTS From January 1992 to January 2002,55 patients were performed upper and posterior nasal septum deviation using our technique. The septal cartilage was reserved. The follow-up period ranged from 6 to 12 months. 24 cases of the nasal obstruction, 27 cases of the headache and 12 cases of the dysosmia were released. 3 cases of the saddle nose and 16 cases of the deviated nose were corrected simultaneously except 5 of recurrence. CONCLUSION This technique is a good method for upper and posterior nasal septum deviation, and patient having other problems such as deviated nose can be treated simultaneously.
Chinese Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery