
重组人骨形态发生蛋白诱导气管软骨再生的剂量效应 被引量:7

The relationship between concentration of rhBMP-2 and cartilage regeneration of tracheal autograft
摘要 目的 观察重组人骨形态发生蛋白 (rhBMP) 2诱导犬自体原位气管移植段软骨再生过程中的剂量效应。方法  4组小鼠气管移植段各环间软组织中植入rhBMP 2胶原缓释系统 ,其rhBMP 2含量分别为 1、2、5和 10mg。将移植段气管原位移植 ,4周后观察标本大体和组织学改变 ,并将测得的新生软骨面积进行比较。结果 rhBMP 2植入组移植段环间均有不同程度的软骨再生 ,随植入物中rhBMP 2含量的增加 ,新生软骨面积分别为 :(1768.1± 44 9.0 )、(2 3 64 .1±44 4.3 )、(3 0 0 0 .7± 488.3 )、(3 188.3± 3 88.3 )pixel。 4组新生软骨面积差异有显著性 (F =5 .2 46,P <0 .0 1)。结论 rhBMP 2诱导气管移植段软骨再生的作用具有剂量效应。 Objective To study the cartilage regeneration of tracheal autograft induced by different concentrations of rhBMP-2 and to find the relationship between them.Methods Twelve mice were randomly divided into 4 groups.Tracheal autografts were injected with 4 doses of rhBMP-2 (1,2,5 or 10 mg/10 ml) respectively and were harvested after 4 weeks.The morphologic changes of the autografts were observed under a light microscope.The area of regeneration cartilage was measured.Results In all groups,new cartilage was induced by rhBMP-2 and the area of regeneration cartilage was 1 768.1± 449.0,2 364.1±444.3,3 000.7±488.3,3 188.3±388.3 Pixel respectively(F=5.246,P<0.01).Conclusion These results indicated that there was a relationship between the concentrate of rhBMP-2 and the cartilage regeneration.
出处 《中华实验外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期351-352,共2页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (39970 70 7) 陕西省自然科学基金资助项目 (99SM37)
关键词 重组人骨形态发生蛋白 诱导 气管软骨再生 剂量 气管移植 Trachea Transplantation Bone morphogenetic protein
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