
陕北生物资源开发与水苏糖基地的建设 被引量:6

Bio-Resources Exploitation and Industrial Base Construction of C_(14)H_(42)O_(21) in Northern Shannxi Province
摘要 因特殊自然条件及历史原因,陕北地区仍是中国最不发达的区域之一。20世纪60年代以来,这里进行过多次生物资源开发,但因与国家某种基地建设结合起来,在资源开发的同时,并没有使经济发展起来,人民不能得到更多实惠,且使生态环境不同程度地遭到破坏。基于此,提出要改变贫困落后面貌,必须实现跨越式发展。随着市场经济的确立,资源开发战略必须调整,树立全新思路,加快资源开发的市场化进程,走资源开发的产业化道路。以保持资源独特优势,实现可持续发展为前提,把环境保护与资源合理开发利用和生态产业发展有机结合起来,建设水苏糖基地。水苏糖基地建设的目标是,以水苏糖为主导产业,使生产企业成为水苏糖原料供应商和水苏糖系列深加工保健产品供应商,逐步形成水苏糖原料—功能性食品配料—保健食品—生物医药产品等多元化的生产经营格局。通过产业化,利用自己的比较优势,在进行生态建设的同时增加人民收入,达到"治沙"与"治穷"的统一。 Because of special natural conditions and historical reasons, Northern Shannxi province is one of the most undeveloped regions in China. The GDP per capita of this region is much lower than that of the national average level, and economic development in the region is imbalance as well. The GDP per capita in Yulin is the lowest within this region; therefore, the main tasks for economic development in Yulin are to accelerate the secondary and tertiary industries and to adjust industrial structure. Since 1960s, efforts on bio-resources exploitation have been tried for several times, however, the results are not satisfying-not only has the ecological environment been destroyed, but also the regional economy has not been developed yet. As a result, people couldn't benefit from the resources exploitations, which have been considered to integrate with certain constructions of national bases. According to the reality, this paper argues that poverty and backward condition of the region can be changed by coordination of resources strategy, acceleration of market-oriented and industrialization. Civil economies are the main forces in resources exploitation, and private capital should be encouraged and distracted to processing industry, High-tech industry, through providing favorable investment and financing environment. In order to maintain the unique advantage of local resources and sustainable development, establishing industrial base of C_(14)H_(42)O_(21) in the region by integration of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, is the best choice, aiming at setting up the leading industry of (C_(14)H_(42)O_(21)) produce. The enterprise will become the supplier of raw material of C_(14)H_(42)O_(21) and deep-processed healthy products. At last, a diversified operation frame of raw material-functional food ingredients-healthy food-biomedical products will be built up. The income of local people can be improved by industrialization and taking comparative advantages during ecological construction and unification of 'sand control' and 'poverty casting off'.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期50-55,共6页 Resources Science
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(编号:G2000018607)。
关键词 生物资源 产业化 水苏糖基地 陕北地区 Bio-resources Industrialization Base of C_(14)H_(42)O_(21) Northern Shannxi Province
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