分别测定谷氨酸棒杆菌 (Corynebacteriumglutamicum)AS1 4 95及其 3个逐个叠加不同遗传标记的突变株AA36 1、AAT2 31和AATV341在特定培养时段 (2 6~ 2 8h)L 缬氨酸等代谢物的胞外浓度 ,由此计算这一时段这些代谢物在发酵液中积累 (或消耗 )的速率 ,分别做出这 4株菌在拟稳态下的代谢流量分布图 ,进而研究育种过程中不同遗传标记的叠加对代谢网络中L 缬氨酸合成流量分布的影响。结果表明遗传标记的引入使流量分配发生了重大变化 ,节点处的流量分配朝着有利于L 缬氨酸合成的方向改变。 6 磷酸葡萄糖节点处流入EMP途径和HMP途径的流量分配由 17 0∶83 0变为 2 4 3∶75 7;丙酮酸节点处流入L 缬氨酸合成途径和其他途径的流量分配由 15 8∶84 2变为 76 7∶2 3 3。L 缬氨酸合成的分支途径上的流量由最初的 5 37增大为 37 3,乳酸合成途径的流量从 11 1最后降为 1 16 ,L 缬氨酸产量由 4g L提高到 2 4 5g L。代谢流量分布的变化趋势与L 缬氨酸产量的变化趋势是互相吻合的。以 2 噻唑丙氨酸抗性突变 (2 TAr)和L 天冬氨酸氧肟酸盐超敏性突变 (L AAHss)有效地进行代谢流遗传导向的事实 ,在代谢流量分析的层面上 ,证明结构类似物抗性突变和结构类似物超敏性突变是代谢流导向和设计育种的十分有效的手段 。
In industrial fermentation of amino acids the cells are often forced to synthesize the biochemicals excessive of their physiological needs. The knowledge of metabolic networks and their regulation relevant usually come from biochemical research, especially from enzymology, not from engineering study. To enrich the knowledge of metabolic sub-network of L-valine syntheses for higher production of L-valine, Corynebacterium glutamicum AS1.495 and its genetic derivatives AA361, AAT231, AATV341 were used for metabolic flux analysis. AS1.495 is a leucine auxotrophic (Leu -), and the three derivatives carry additional mutations. AA361 contains D-aspartic acid-β-hydroxamate supersensitive marker (Leu -, L-AAH ss ), AAT231(Leu -, L-AAH ss , 2-TA r) is D-aspartic acid-β-hydroxamate supersensitive and 2-thiazole alanine resistant, and AAT341 (Leu -, L-AAH ss , 2-TA r, Vd -) is a D-aspartic acid-β-hydroxamate supersensitive, 2-thiazole alanine resistant and valine-decompose-ability imperfect(Vd -). The concentrations of extra-cellular metabolites were determined under sub-steady-state of the batch culture. The metabolic flux distribution maps of the four strains were obtained, compared and analyzed. Our analysis showed that the flux ratio of EMP and HMP from the glucose-6-phosphate had increased from 0.205 in the parental strain AS1.495 to 0.321 in the multiple-mutation strain AATV341; the flux ratio of L-valine synthesis branch and the rest branches from the pyruvate node increased from 0.188 in AS1.495 to 3.29 in AATV341; the flux of lactic acid synthesis branch decreased from 11.1 in AS1.495 to 1.16 in AATV341; the flux of L-valine synthesis branch increased from 5.37 in AS1.495 to 37.3 in AATV341; and the productivity of L-valine correspondently increased from 4 g/L in AS1.495 to 24.5 g/L in AATV341. These results indicate that the introduction of analog supersensitive marker L-AAH 55 and/or analog resistant marker 2-TA r skew the metabolic flux towards the formation of L-valine. This study revealed the usefulness of the metabolic flux analysis as a tool for verification of existing production strains. The analysis may play an important role in helping us b to rationally re-design metabolism for further improvement of fermentation process.
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology
L-valine, corynebacterium, glutamicum, metabolic flux analysis