抗体与相应抗原的结合可以被硫氰酸盐洗脱而解离 ,抗体的亲和力越高则解离所需要的硫氰酸盐浓度就越大 ,这一原理在传统的免疫学实验中被用来测定单克隆抗体或多克隆抗体的相对亲和力。如果证明该原理同样适用于噬菌体抗体库技术 ,则可以建立一种直接测定噬菌体抗体相对亲和力的简便方法。首先将噬菌体抗体与工作浓度的硫氰酸盐共孵育 ,以证明这一过程并不影响其后的ELISA反应 ,然后参照硫氰酸盐洗脱法测定完整抗体分子和Fab段相对亲和力的方法 ,在ELISA实验中以酶标抗M13为二抗检测了 5个单克隆噬菌体抗体的相对亲和力 ,并与相对应的可溶性Fab段的相对亲和力进行了比较。被测抗体中包括 3个克隆的抗角蛋白抗体和 2个克隆的抗乙型肝炎表面抗原抗体。结果发现 ,用硫氰酸盐洗脱法测定 5个噬菌体抗体所得到的亲和力排序与测定其相应可溶性Fab段所得结果一致 ,表明硫氰酸盐洗脱法可作为一种简便快速的方法用来直接测定噬菌体抗体的相对亲和力。
Human antibodies generated by phage antibody technology have been widely used in the immunotherapy of various diseases. Among the characteristics of these therapeutic antibodies, affinity is one of the most important determinants of their biological efficacy. The binding of an antibody and its corresponding antigen could be disrupted by thiocyanate solution of different concentrations, depend upon the affinity of the antibody. This mechanism has been adopted to determine the relative affinity of monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies in routine immunological practice. Correlation between the elution method and other techniques that measure the affinity such as equilibrium dialysis and biospecific interaction analysis (BIA) has been established. Here we describe the applications of the thiocyanate elution method in the determination of the relative affinity index (RAI) of phage antibodies (Phabs). Five clone antibodies, including 3 clones of anti-keratin antibodies (AK1, AK2 and AK3) and 2 clones of anti-HBsAg antibodies (HB1 and HB2) were selected to express Phabs and Fabs, and the RAI were determined by ELISA after thiocyanate elution. A HRP-conjugated anti-M13 was used as secondary antibody for Phabs and HRP-goat-anti-human Fab was used for Fabs. The affinity ranks of the Phabs were compared with that of the Fab fragments. The results showed that all the Phabs tested were tolerant to thiocyanate treatment. The relative affinity rank of 5 Phabs coincided well with that of their corresponding Fabs. We conclude that the thiocyanate elution can be used as an easy and rapid method to measure and compare the relative affinity of Phabs.
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology
国家高技术研究发展计划 ( 863计划 )资助项目 (No.2 0 0 1AA2 15 3 61)~~