Gas hydrate is a kind of potentially energy The
'bottom simulating reflectors', (BSR) on seismic sec-
tions are generally accepted as an indicator of the ex-
istence of gas hydrate. Understanding of the proper-
ties of hydrate-bearing layers and study of the AVO
characteristics of BSR are of great significance. Sin-
gle-phase medium theory is commonly used in AVO
analysis at present, but natural media are actually
porous and fluid-bearing. Ecker proposed three micro
mechanical models of hydrate formation. Hydrate is
a part of pore fluid, a part of solid matrix, or hydrate
cements grain contacts. Based on single-and two-
phase medium theory, we calculated the reflection
coefficients and the transmission coefficients on an
interface between two layers, among which one is
without hydrate and the other is with free gas in the
three models. Calculation shows that in the seismic
frequency range, the reflection coefficients and the
transmission coefficients resulted from the first and
second models are very similar. The difference be-
tween them increases with porosity. The third model
generates a completely different AVO curve. There-
fore, the latter can be qualitatively distinguished
from the former.
Geophysical Prospecting For Petroleum