

Optimization for the RAPD reaction system in Coilia ectenes
摘要 以刀鲚基因组DNA为模板,对刀鲚RAPD分析中的DNA模板浓度、镁离子浓度,dNTPs浓度、引物浓度进行了研究。研究结果初步确定了适用于刀鲚遗传多样性分析的RAPD反应体系为:25μl反应体系中,含10×PCR缓冲液2.5μl,模板DNA20ng, dNTPs0.1m mol/L,Mg^(2+)2.5m mol/L,引物0.4μ mol/L,Taq DNA聚合酶1U。 In this paper, the influence of concentration of DNA, Mg^(2+), dNTPs and primer on the results of RAPD amplification was analyzed by using the materials of Coilia ectenes genomic DNA. The results provided a standardizing reaction system for the analysis of genetic diversity of Coilia ectenes using RAPD molecular marker. 2.5μl 10× PCR buffer, 20ng template DNA, 0.1m mol/L dNTPs, 2.5m mol/L Mg^(2+), 0. 4μ mol/L primer and 1U Taq DNA polymerase were included in the 25μl reaction system.
作者 马春艳 刘敏
出处 《海洋渔业》 CSCD 2004年第2期152-155,共4页 Marine Fisheries
关键词 刀鲚 基因组 DNA RAPD 镁离子 遗传多样性 Coilia ectenes RAPD reaction system
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