The vogue of morning exercise in college refers to a kind of collective behavior which comes in-
to being and gets popular, universal, repetitions and relatively stable when taking morning exercise. It
often shows some basic characteristic, such as consciousness, regularity, collectivity and diversification.
It has function of education, guide, restriction and radiancy as well. How the vogue of morning exercise
comes into being is related to some conditions, such as society and college, furthermore, the key lies in
whether the students have the interest or habit of morning exercise. Therefore, the students' interest
should be taken into consideration in the nurturane of good habit of taking morning exercise, puts the
students in an open, democratic, harmonious and easy circumstance. According to their interests or the
need of development, they can choose and take part in the morning exercise by themselves, then build
up a concept of life-long PE step by step.
Zhejiang Sport Science
the vogue of morning exercise
habit and cultivation
self-help morning exercise