随着多媒体技术的发展和计算机的普及,多媒体CAI(Computer Aided Instruction 计算机辅助教学)已大量应用于教学,并成为教育技术现代化的一个重要标志,为教育教学改革带来了深远的影响,促进了我国从应试教育向素质教育的转变。多媒体课件在教学活动中与传统媒体相比具有无可比拟的优势,且具有其特点。结合教学实际,从理论上对开发研制多媒体课件的教学设计、程序结构设计、设计要素的把握以及制作和调试等进行了研究。
With the rapid development of multimedia technology, and popularization of the computer, multimedia CAI( Computer Aided's Instruction)has already been applied to teaching in a large amount, and has become a important sign of moderniation of educational technology.CAI has promoted the transformation from exam-oriented education to guality-oriented education,exerting a far-reaching influence on the educational reform of our country.Multimedia courseware has unparaleled superiority over traditional media in teaching.In the Iight of actual teaching conditions,this paper makes a systematic study of the multimedia coursewares design skill ,demonstratie method,etc.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College