目的 探讨高压氧疗法对放射性脑病的治疗作用。 方法 对于确诊放射性脑病的 48例将其随机分为高压氧联合治疗组 2 4例及对照组 2 4例 ,两组病人分别按预定方案治疗后作临床疗效比较。 结果 高压氧联合治疗组治疗的总有效率达 87 4% ,明显高于对照组总有效率 5 4 2 % ( χ2 =6 45 4,P <0 0 5 )。 结论 高压氧是治疗放射性脑病一种有效的、重要的辅助治疗手段 。
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of combined treatment with HBO and medicine for radiation encephalopathy. Methods This study was prospective and randomized. Forty-eight patients with radiation encephalopathy were divided into the trial group (combined HBO and medicine)and the control group(medicine alone),with 24 cases in each. The therapeutic effects were evaluated and compared. Results In the trial group,the total effective rate was 87.4%,and the control group,54.9%. The difference of effective rates were statistically significant(χ 2=6.454,P<0.05). Conclusion HBO is an effective, important and auxiliary therapeutic means in the treatment of radiation encephalopathy.
China Tropical Medicine