本文从考据学与阐释学的角度 ,对于“比较”观念进行溯源 ,指出“比较”意识的形成是一种历史过程 ,它本身就具有人类思维的差异性与同一性的相互合一。而在此基础上产生的比较主义诸学科如比较文学、比较法学等实际上是一种思维方式变革的产物。这些学科的目的不在于简单比附 ,而在于通过对学科对象的差异性与同一性的分析 ,形成一种世界性的视域。
As an important stage in the development of world academic disciplines,the Comparativism has been well known for a century. But the keyword comparison still needs a study from etymology and textual research. The original meaning of this word is related to religious worship in ancient China. The natural property and culture influenced logic and thinking of people from the beginning. For an academic course,the comparative study is not only a method but also a change in the way of thinking. All the comparative study subjects aim at the trans-cultural study in every discipline.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)
教育部人文社科重点研究基地北京大学东方文学研究中心重大课题 (0 1JAZJD75 0 .11-4 40 0 1)
国家社科基金课题(0 1EZW0 0 1)