老舍的短篇小说《抓药》是一篇形式和寓意都很奇特的作品 ,在双线双关的结构形式下隐藏着一个神秘的内核 :他对革命文学运动的真实态度 ,对当时发生的左翼文坛与“自由人”、“第三种人”论争的看法 ,对自己近期作品创作动机的表白及对于批评者的答复。
Lao She's short story Filling the Prescription is unique both in form and moral. Clothed in the double-plot structure is a mystic nucleus: the writer's real attitude towards the revolutionary literary movement of the time,towards the debate between the 'Left-wingers',the 'Liberalist' and 'The Thirdist',together with his expression of his writing purposes and his answer to criticism.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)