湖南省高教学会第五届会员代表大会于 2 0 0 3年 1 1月 2 9日至 1 2月 1日在中南大学召开。与会专家学者围绕“新世纪大学的创新”这一主题 ,主要探讨了以下几个问题 :1 高等教育研究与大学的创新的关系 ;2 高校领导者在大学创新中的责任 ;3
The fifth associator delegate forum of Hunan Higher Education was held in Central South University from November 29 to December 1, 2003 Surrounding the topic“the innovation of university in the 21st century”,the experts and scholars mostly discussed the following issues: the relationship between the study of higher education and the innovation of university; the responsibility of the leader of a university in its innovation; the innovation of university being the approach to building first-class university
Modern University Education