本文探析了道家思想中俭啬寡欲、贵真、守真、宽容于物、致虚守静、顺应自然的观点 ,认为这些观点对心理辅导人员心性水平的提高及心理辅导的实践具有启示意义。心理辅导员若能充分融合道家的上述思想 ,达到心身安顿 ,做真我 ,做自己 ,做到内心的包容、独立和不断的自我觉察 ,在辅导过程中不强求结果而是让结果自然呈现 ,则更易成功。此外 ,在心理辅导实践中引入道家思想中的精髓 ,将有利于整合中西方关于心理辅导的思想与技术 。
The paper explores the view of Taoism :being economical and restraining desires,being true-self sticking to truth,open-minded,empty,calm and natural.It points out these views can improve the level of psychological counselor and have a inspiration to the practice of psychological counseling.If psychological counselors can integrate the thoughts of Taoism above-mentioned and maintain the peace of heart and body,to be true self,pardoning,independence and continual self-perceiving.These will centribute an easier success in psychological counseling.
Modern University Education