研究了聚丙烯材料通过稳定剂改性后的熔体状态与在热或光照环境条件下的老化行为规律。研究结果表明 ,当聚丙烯熔体中仅掺入抗氧剂时 ,熔体稳定性较好 ;当熔体中掺入了光稳定剂和抗氧剂的协同组合体系 ,不仅熔体状态稳定 ,且长期耐光老化效果优良。系统跟踪了 4组试样在进行人工光 (氙灯 )加速试验过程中羰基指数变化与试样所接受的紫外辐射累积能量值之间的关联性 ,得到线性回归方程式 ,4条回归线的相关系数r都在 0 .9以上。
The melt state and aging performance under heat-resistance test(140℃) or irradiating test(Xenon Lamp)of polypropylene modified with stabilizers were studied. The results indicated that melt stability was good while antioxidants were added. Materials showed not only good melt stability but also good irradiation resistance effect for long run as UV stabilizers and antioxidants in synergism. Based on successive investigation in the reactivity between change of carbonyl index and accumulated UV irradiation energy, selected four group samples proceeding with acceleration test (Xenon Lamp). A regression equation was abtained. The relation coefficient r of four regression lines pass beyond 0.9.
Modern Plastics Processing and Applications
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 5 98914 1-3 )