盗窃罪的既遂与未遂 ,关系到盗窃行为社会危害性大小的认定 ,关系到追诉时效的认定 ,关系到共同犯罪是否成立等等 ,因此有必要对之进行探讨。对于盗窃罪的既遂未遂 ,不能一概以控制说作为认定标准 ,应当根据我国刑法规定盗窃罪的犯罪构成 ,区分不同情况 。
The complete or attempt of the crime of steal concerns how to confirm the harm of the crime, the limitation of the crime and whether it is joint crime. In this thesis we will inquire into this problem. We think there should be the different standard of the complete of the crime.
Journal of Zhongzhou University