本文分析了58例原发性肝癌术后复发的血管造影表现及介入治疗效果,认为大部分复发病例手术时都有残癌存留、比较了造影、B 超与CT 的诊断价值.造影能够准确定位、定性,并能了解血供情况,为手术提供参考.分析了肝动脉结扎后的造影表现,为提高肝动脉结扎疗效提供参考.
We reported the results of the angiographyand interventional therapy in 58 patients withrecurrence of hepatocelluler carcinoma after tu-mor resection.We considered that the cause ofrecurrence is due to residual tumor at the timeof operation in most patients.The diagnosticvalues were compared among CT,B-mode ul-trasonography and angiography.The angiogra-phy can not only accurately decide the locationand the nature of the tumor,but also demon-strate the blood supply of the liver,which arevery important for hepatic cperation.The man-ifestations of angiography in the cases afterhepatic arteriallig(?)on were analyzed in orderto improved the th (?)peutic effectiveness of thehepatic arterial ligauon.
Journal of Clinical Radiology