介绍哈尔滨医科大学第二附属医院引入ISO9000医院管理模式,进行管理创新,降低医疗费用,提高工作效率,为 患者提供高效服务,对病人实行自主选药;建立三连信誉处方;完善责任医疗新机制等改革创新的做法,并探讨了ISO质量认证后 应注意的问题。
By introducing ISO9000 hospital managerial pattern, the hospital conducted managerial innovation, as a result, medical service charge was reduced, efficiency improved, effective service offered to patients, patients were allowed to select drugs; 3-linked trust prescription used; improving responsible medical care service and other innovated reforms, and it also explores the issues that attention should be paid to.
Chinese Hospitals