通过裂隙灯观察、光镜检查及免疫酶法检测,动态观察了BALB/C 小鼠单眼前房接种HSV-1后所致前葡萄膜炎的临床表现、病理改变和病毒抗原分布状况。结果表明:接种后第1天,接种眼即可见单疱感染表现,第7天达高峰。对侧眼于接种后第7—10天才出现轻度眼部病变。免疫酶染色见HSV-1抗原分布于接种眼相应炎症组织。初步探讨了单疱性前葡萄膜炎的发病机理.
Following inoculation of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) into the anteriorchamber of one eye in BALB/C mouse,we took a dynamic observation on the clinicalmanifestation,histopathological changes and the distribution of HSV-1 antigens by slit-lamp,light microscope and immunoperoxidase technique.The study showed that animalswere found to have signs of herpetic infection in the inoculated eyes on day 1.All thesigns peaked on day 7.The contralateral eyes appeared mild changes till day 7-10.Lightmicroscopic examination revealed that the inoculated eyes developed acute intense inflam-mation within the anterior segments.One week after inoculation the uninoculated eyesappeared iridocylitis.The HSV-1 antigens were detected in ocular inflammatory tissues ofthe inoculated eyes.We discuss the pathogenesis of herpetic uveitis.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research