
原子力显微镜在合成膜表征中的应用 被引量:1

Applications of atomic force microscopy to characterization of synthetic membranes
摘要 原子力显微镜(AFM)在其发明不久即应用于膜科学领域,并以其无可比拟的优势获得了广泛的应用.它不仅可以定性地表征膜的表面三维形貌,还能定量地研究膜表面的粗糙度、孔径大小和分布及球粒尺寸.综述了近年来原子力显微镜在合成膜表征中的应用,对其中几个重要方面进行了举例介绍. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has become a powerful technique in membrane technology owing to its unique advantages shortly after its invention.AFM not only reveals the surface three-dimension morphology of membranes qualitatively,but also quantitavely provides information on size and distribution of pores surface roughness and size of nodules.So the applications of AFM in membrane technology are promising.This paper overviews some recent applications of AFM in characterization of synthetic membranes with emphasizing several important aspects by giving many examples.
作者 钱欣 程蓉
出处 《膜科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期62-67,共6页 Membrane Science and Technology
关键词 原子力显微镜 合成膜 孔径分布 球粒 膜分离技术 成膜过程 atomic force microscopy synthetic membrane pore size distrbution nodule
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