在组成反恐战略诸要素中 ,科技政策是核心要素。“9·1 1”事件后 ,反恐上升为美国科技领域的头号课题 ,政府加大了对科技反恐的投入 ,我国也面临同样的抉择。恐怖活动除了直接实施核生化恐怖威胁之外 ,还通过破坏核生化设施同样达到核生化恐怖的效果 ,甚至比直接实施核生化恐怖更为严重。据调查 ,各大中城市生产使用有毒、有害、易燃、易爆化学物质的工厂占全部工厂的 80 %以上 ,年用量成千上万吨。在恐怖分子应用最多的爆炸和燃烧事件中 ,人员的主要伤亡不是来自于炸伤、烧伤 ,而是因爆炸和燃烧所产生的毒气中毒。研究表明 ,在各种有毒物质传播途径中 ,空气和水体扩散所占比例最大。笔者针对反恐问题 ,论述了大气科学与核生化恐怖的关系 ,重点突出了大气科学。
Science and technology policy is the key factor among all strategic elements against terrorism. Since Sept.11 terror attack, anti terrorism has soared to American banner task, and its government and states have increased their investment in scientific and technological anti terrorism. China is also confronting the same choice. On the one hand, terrorists might directly use nuclear, biological and chemical agents; while on the other hand, they might indirectly carry out terror attack by destroying nuclear, biological or chemical establishments, which might result even much worse. According to surveys, factories and plants, where poisonous, hazardous, flammable and explosive materials and products are produced, occupy over 80% of the total, their annual output might be thousands tons. In addition, main casualties do not caused directly by explosion and fire, but rather from toxicant poisonings resulted from explosion and fire. According to statistics, among various spreading routes for poisonous toxicants, spreading by air and water occupies the biggest ratio. Aiming at anti terrorism, the relationship between atmospheric science and nuclear, biological and chemical terror is discussed with the emphasis on the strategic position of atmospheric science, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics in the research of countering the nuclear, biological and chemical terrors.
China Safety Science Journal
中国科学院大气物理研究所大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室LAPC -KF - 2 0 0 3- 1 1。