安全领导问题与安全管理问题既有联系 ,又有区别 ,笔者对安全领导和安全管理的概念进行了分离 ,专门对安全领导问题进行研究。首先讨论安全领导的概念和安全领导的基本功能 ,其次论述安全领导和安全管理二者的联系和区别 ,然后专门探讨了安全领导对现代生产企业搞好安全工作的重要性 ,最后指出了企业安全领导者对企业安全工作的影响力的含义以及提高这种影响力的方法。笔者的目的是为人们认识安全领导、建立安全领导学科理论、深化安全领导责任制度、促进安全领导工作等提供有益的思路。
In order to promote the safety leadership, help people to understand its significance, to establish its scientific theory, and to strengthen its responsibility system, beneficial thinking was provided. In some extent safety leadership not only associates with, but also differs obviously from the safety management. The concept of safety leadership was isolated from that of safety management, and the issue of safety leadership was specifically studied. The concept and the basic functions of safety leadership were discussed first. Then, the association and differentiation between safety leadership and safety management were discussed. The importance of safety leadership for modern industry, and the significance of its impact on accomplishing safety tasks, and how to enhance the impact were suggested.
China Safety Science Journal