ADI在美国持续不断发展。 2 0 0 3年美国铸造学会每年一次的铸件竞赛 15件获奖铸件中 ,5件ADI铸件获得最高奖。文中叙述两件获奖ADI铸件 :建筑和园林用的装载机ADI驱动轮铸件和福特野马眼睛蛇 (FordMustangCobra)跑车底盘悬架控制臂。铸件结构紧凑 ,原材料投料量减少 ,少用或不用机加工、焊接和装配 ,设计灵活 ,重量减轻 ,尺寸精度提高 ,成本降低等。
ADI are continuously growing in American. Among the fifteen castings’ design earned industry-wide recognition at the 2003 AFS Casting Congress, five of the top awards were given to ADI parts. One of five ADI castings is ADI drive wheel of loading machine used for architecture and park. The other is Ford Mustang Cobra's chassis IRS control arm. The benefits which OEMs got through these award-winning designs are as follows: Speeding up the development of market, making the structure tight, reducing the amount of raw material, using machining or not, welding and assembly time, agility design, weight lost, improvement of dimensional tolerance, cost reduction and so on.
Foundry Technology