磁悬浮列车的悬浮系统是典型的非线性迟滞系统 ,由于其平衡点不稳定性 ,对悬浮系统的动态和静态特性要求都很高。针对磁悬浮系统的特点 ,采用混合模糊PID控制算法 ,由 1个常规PID控制器和 1个二维模糊控制器相关联而实现系统的控制 ,得到了理想的控制效果。
The suspension system of maglev vehicle has the nonliear and hysteresis character. The equilibrium point of system is unstabilized, so it is very difficult to control the maglev vehicle. The system required perfect static and dynamic character. This paper presented fuzzy-PID algorithm to fulfill the requirement. The fuzzy-PID controller composed of traditional fuzzy controller and traditional PID controller. It has benefits of both PID and fuzzy controllers. The controller has perfect effect through simulation and experiments.
Coal Mine Machinery