在动静态养护条件下通过对 YLD- 1油水井堵漏剂与钢管的胶结界面力学性能和微观结构的研究 ,探讨了 YLD- 1油水井堵漏剂的界面胶结强度增强机理 .结果表明 ,YLD- 1堵漏剂能够在胶结界面生成抗冲蚀的水化产物且形成致密坚固的微观结构 ,再加上独特的自我修复的再愈合能力 ,增强了界面胶结强度 ,提高了抗窜能力 .
The mechanical behavior and the microstructure of the cementation interface between YLD-1 plugging agent and steel pipe surface are studied under static and dynamic conditions separately. And the enhancing mechanism of the interface cementing strength is discussed. It is shown that the plugging agent can form hydration products on the cementing interface which have dense and strong microstructure, washout resistance and channeling resistance, and they have also self-restoration ability. Therefore the interface cementing strength of the plugging agent is enhanced.
Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University(Natural Science Edition)