
全球化背景下的俄罗斯国家定位 被引量:3

The Orientation of Russia under Globalization
摘要 冷战后的俄罗斯丧失了原有地位但一直没有找到自己的国家定位。从历史上看 ,成为传统的欧洲国际政治的“参与者”并通过融入欧洲从而融入世界是俄罗斯实现国家定位的目标。但是 ,在全球化的冲击之下 ,俄罗斯在面向西方、融入全球化的道路上不断受挫 ,从而表现出对西方以及全球化本身相当强烈的对抗性。俄罗斯的国家定位至今仍在走向西方与回归本土之间徘徊。 After the Cold War Russia lost its status of hegemony, but it has not yet found its national orientation. Historically, its goal was to be a 'participant' in traditional European international politics and to be integrated into Europe and then into the world. However, its orientation has been greatly impacted under globalization since the post-cold war. On Russia's part, a strong antagonism is manifested on its way to integrate itself into globalization and the West because of many frustrations it is encountering. Therefore, Russia is still in the dilemma of being melted into the West or returning to its own. Russia's future orientation needs to make further explorations.
作者 刘军
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期68-72,共5页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地--华东师范大学俄罗斯研究中心资助 上海市重点学科--华东师范大学科社与国际共运学科点建设项目资助
关键词 全球化背景 俄罗斯 国家定位 国际关系 意识形态 伙伴关系 globalization, Russia, national orientation
  • 相关文献


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