背越式跳高是取得最佳成绩的一种技术 ,背越式跳高的技术 ,无论是技术概念还是技术动作结构 ,起跳技术都是跳高技术的核心。起跳阶段的目的是迅速改变人体的运动方向 ,并获得尽可能大的垂直速度 ,同时还要产生一定的旋转动力 ,保证过杆动作的顺利完成。背越式跳高运动经历了内倾———竖直———旋转的进程 ,实现了以矢状轴、额状轴和垂直轴组成的多轴转动。
Back style is a popular and efficient high jump style for the best contest yesuwit, with taking off as it key technique .taking off technique aims to change the direction of body movement, obtain the gneatest possible vertical speed, and produce the necessary body-turning force for the smooth jumping over turn movement, consists in a three-axis movement process .
Journal of Suihua Teachers College