
儿童攻击行为与"心理理论"关系的研究 被引量:17

A Study on the Relation of Children' s Aggression to Their Theory-of-mind
摘要 本研究采用自然观察法评定177名3-4岁儿童的攻击行为。以攻击行为平均分为指标从被观察儿童中选取93名为被试,采用"意外转移"和"欺骗外表"两种实验任务,比较各类攻击儿童的心理理论。本研究得出主要结论:总体而言,攻击儿童与无攻击儿童的心理理论不存在显著差异。间接攻击儿童的心理理论显著高于身体攻击儿童。各类儿童的表征变化不存在显著差异。研究结果支持了我们提出的攻击行为"类型特殊性"假说。 177 three-to-four years old children's aggressive behaviors were assessed by natural observations. The'unexpected transfer' and 'deceptive appearance' experimental tasks were employed in a sample of 93 children selected from the observed children according to the mean of their aggressive behaviors, in order to compare children's theory-of-mind. The results showed that, overall, no significant difference in the ability of theory-of-mind existed between aggressive and non-aggressive children. Indirect-aggressive children had a higher level of ability of theory-of-mind than those physical-aggressive children, but the rest did not differ significantly. All the three groups of children had similar abilities of representational changes. The result of the study supported the 'type-specific hypothesis' of cognitive mechanism of aggressive behaviors that we put forward.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期540-544,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学重大研究项目(01JAZJDXLX001)"十五"规划重点项目(01JAXLX015)成果。
关键词 儿童攻击行为 心理理论 “认知缺陷说” 认知机制 反应型攻击 主动型攻击 aggressive behavior, theory-of-mind, type-specific hypothesis
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