
7~11岁儿童分享行为的发展 被引量:20

The Developmental Trends and Characteristics of Sharing Behaviors of Pupils of 7 - 11 Years Old
摘要 采用同伴评价、自我评价、教师评价法,考察小学一、三、五年级共128名7-11岁儿童分享行为的发展。结果发现:(1)由教师评价的小学儿童的分享行为在小学一、三年级无显著差异,从三年级到五年级,得分显著下降;学生自我评价的分享行为在一、三年级呈上升趋势,在三、五年级间呈下降趋势;(2)根据教师评价,一年级小学生在游戏分享和物品分享上的得分最高,学习分享次之,心理分享最少;对三、五年级小学生来说,游戏分享与物品分享行为逐渐退居次要位置,而让位给心理分享和学习分享行为;(3)教师对小学生分享行为的评价与学生自我评价之间有0.26的相关;教师评价与同伴提名之间有0.37的相关;而学生自我评价与同伴提名之间无显著的相关。 Using the self-rating, teachers-rating, and peer-rating methods, this study identified the developmental trends and characteristics of sharing behavior of elementary school pupils. The panicipants were 128 pupils 7-11 years old selected from grades one,three and five in an elementary school. The results show that (1) According to teachers' rating there is no significant difference between grades one and three in sharing behaviors,and the sharing behaviors significantly declined from grade three to grade five. (2) Teachers' rating is more valid than pupils' self-rating and peer rating. There is a relationship of 0. 26 between teachers' rating and pupils' self rating,and relationships of 0.37 between teachers' rating and peer rating. There is no significant relationship between self rating and peer rating. (3)There is a declension of elementary school pupils' sharing behaviors with age.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期571-574,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 "十五"教育科学规划国家级课题<尊重平等教育与德育改革>成果之一 课题批准号BEB010468
关键词 儿童 分享行为 自我评价 小学生 教师评价 pupils,sharing behaviors,teacher-rating
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