To study the mental health state of policeman in Shantou, we carried out an investigation of 339 policemen and policewomen by using the Symptom Check List (SCL - 90) , and analyzed the data obtained. The results showed that the global mental health level of the sample was higher than the norm; the mental health level of policewomen was slightly higher than that of policemen; the level of compulsive, personal relationship and dejection of peace policemen was significantly higher than that of criminal policemen and patrol policemen; The scores of somatization factor of policemen, who worked more than 15 years were higher than those of policemen who worked less than 15 years; The scores of paranoididation factor were significantly higher in the elder samples than those in the younger ones .The conclusion implied that the global mental health state of the police was good, but the mental health state of a part of them should be adjusted and improved.
Journal of Psychological Science