价值与真理的关系 ,是 2 0世纪中国文学理论和创作实践中的深层问题 ,也是 2 1世纪中国文学的现实难题。本文通过对现当代文学史上价值与真理冲突现象的回顾和反思 ,认为除了其它客观因素之外 ,二元对立、各执一端的思维方式是造成价值与真理冲突的重要原因 ;对文学真理性的根本怀疑 ,是当前文学价值根基被动摇和价值迷失的关键所在 ;对后现代主义真理观的片面理解则是对文学价值的“釜底抽薪”。本文提出 ,文学真理与文学价值的关系是文学实践中普遍的命题 ,因此 。
The relationship between truth and value is a problem deeply rooted in Chinese literary theories and writing practice in the Twentieth Century, and also a practical problem of contemporary Chinese literature at the beginning of 21st century. This article aims to take a retrospective view on the conflicts between truth and value in modern Chinese literary history with the following conclusions: apart from some objective causes, the binary oppositional mode of thinking is the most important for the conflicts between truth and value; the fundamental doubt concerning the truth of literature is the root reason for the loss of literary value; the one-sided interpretation of the post-modernist concept of truth was the last straw that broke up the value of literature. The author points out that even post-modernist theories do not deny the truth of literature too generally, since the relationship between the truth and the value of literature is a universal proposition in literary activities. So what needs to be done now is to rethink and reconstruct a harmonious and integrated relationship between the two on a new basis.
Literature & Art Studies