本文从“正确认识敦煌作为人类共同文化遗产的深刻含义” ,“用科学的发展观来推动敦煌事业不断前进”两方面回答了在新的历史条件下 ,“我们怎样守护敦煌 ?”
This article is trying to express the understanding to the important issue of how do we face to our duty of conservation the Dunhuag Grottoes today under the circumstance of new historic condition by the following two aspects: one is the importance of realizing profound significance of the existing site of Dunhuang Grottoes as one of the most famous cultural heritage site in the world for human beings; another one is to play the view of scientific development to promoting and developing the undertaken conservation of Dunhuang and the research in scientific way.
Dunhuang Research