

A Perspective on Indonesia's 2004 General Elections
摘要 The general elections which are held between April5to September20are the first direct ones in Indonesia’s history and also a milestone in the process of the changes in its political system,In the elections,the strategies of all the political parties are various and there are weak points and strong points for each of their candidates.So far the present president Megawati and her partners enjoy the highest rate of support but due to the complexity of the elections ,who will step to the throne of the presidency is still not known for sure. The general elections which are held between April5to September20are the first direct ones in Indonesia's history and also a milestone in the process of the changes in its political system,In the elections,the strategies of all the political parties are various and there are weak points and strong points for each of their candidates.So far the present president Megawati and her partners enjoy the highest rate of support but due to the complexity of the elections ,who will step to the throne of the presidency is still not known for sure.
作者 武文侠
机构地区 北京外国语大学
出处 《东南亚纵横》 北大核心 2004年第6期46-49,共4页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
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