目的 说明地球层析成像一词的含义和它所包括的分支有:地震层析,电阻率层析,大地电磁层析,磁共振成像, 地震破裂面照相以及探地雷达成像等。概括当前这几种手段的成就,所能达到的成像精密度, 用现代的计算方法、反演地下介质速度、衰减 Q值、密度、孔隙度分布、介质破裂程度,可提高震源定位精度,再借鉴医学上检测癌细胞发生、发展过程的模式,建立相应的预测模式。判断未来破坏性地震的孕震结构,发展趋势,以及地下水与电阻率图像随季节变化的关系。初步阐明地球层析成像在减轻地震灾害、洪水灾害与火山喷发灾害中的作用。将地电阻率层析与磁共振测深成像相结合应用于探测地下水的一些基本分布特征,判定潜伏断层的特征,追踪电阻率异常区其附近的电性精细结构,分辨率可以达到 1 米左右。结合起来可探测地下裂隙分布,发现活断层,对高层建筑物(80 米以上)和大型桥梁、水坝、堤防的安全性评价具有重要作用,以便及早加固,以减轻损失;结论 利用上述地球层析成像的几种手段,可以探测地下活动断层、孕震结构和地下水与电阻率随季节的变动,为判定高楼和堤坝的安全性提供依据,在减轻灾害中发挥日益重要的作用。
Objective: To present a definition of geo-tomography, that is a discipline-branch concerned with the 2D or 3D display and quantitative analysis of the various structure earth-interior by its physical and chemical parameters. This term may be not so familiar in earth-science glossary, it embodies on the following sub-branches: seismic tomography, resistivity tomography, MRS tomography, fracture–plane imaging for seismic focus and image of GPR(ground penetrating radar ). Above exploring method can be used to find potential active faults and seismogenic zones which are used to estimate seismic risk, get a reasonable prevention seismic intensity, and ensure safety of high buildings, big bridges, great dam and dikes(for flood disaster reduction).MRS serves in detecting groundwater and drought-resistant. Conclusion: The achievement of geo-tomography presents higher resolution image, serves for the monitoring for magma chamber in volcano regions[1,8],and mitigates eruption disaster. The earthquake prediction methods in the future would call for less dependence on past earthquake records and more reliance on improvements about seismogenesis process. The improvement of 3D image display of underground physical parameters (including velocity,density,temperature, elastic & viscosity parameters, absorbing quality factor Q-value etc.)should combine with MRS tomography image[4], for exploring underground material-transport and its dynamic process, getting higher resolution, that will provide higher quality forecast method, serving in estimating the seismic risk and the possibility of volcano eruption. mitigate the natural disaster.
Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications