
基于通用显卡实现CT加速重建的技术综述 被引量:1

Development of Accelerated CT Reconstruction Based on General Graphics Boards
摘要 目的 本文综述了通用显卡在CT 重建加速中的技术应用。方法 通过介绍显卡的发展和现状,以及其特殊结构在CT重建算法中的加速机制。结果 阐明了显卡在CT重建中的加速特点和实现方法。结论  最后依据显卡发展的最新技术展望了对 CT 加速算法的改进和在这一方向上的应用前景。 Objective: The technical application of general graphics boards in CT accelerated reconstruction is summarized. Methods: Introduce the current technique of graphics boards, and the principle of how their special structure operates in accelerating reconstruction. Results: Analyze the method and character in the use of graphics hardware to accelerate reconstruction. Conclusion: According to the latest technique of graphics boards, we introduce the way to improve the application of graphics boards in reconstruction,together with the prospect in this research..
出处 《CT理论与应用研究(中英文)》 2004年第2期11-20,共10页 Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications
关键词 CT加速重建 显卡 着色器 CT accelerated reconstruction graphics board shader
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