管内的一些流体流动行为是引起管路系统振动的重要原因之一。针对钢铁工业高炉热风炉大型设备在运转过程中的振动问题 ,应用流体力学相关理论重点分析了热风炉周围管路结构的流体力学行为 ,指出了弯管中二次流旋涡和收缩扩散管段边界层分离旋涡流动是诱发管路振动的机理 。
The behavior of flow in ducts is one of important reasons for arousing the vibration of ducts system.The paper aims at the vibration problem in the operation process of hot blast stove in industry of steel and metallurgy,and analyzes mainly the hydrodynamics behavior of ducts around hot blast stove by using some hydrodynamics theories,also shows that second flow vortexes in curved ducts and vortexes flow produced by boundary layer separation at shrinking and diffusing section are the reasons for resulting in ducts vibration.The point of view has some useful enlightenment for engineering and designing.
Energy For Metallurgical Industry