建立国际政治的民主秩序和对国际强权、世界霸权的有效制约是当今绝大多数国家的普遍渴求 ,这一理想的实现有赖于现实三种秩序的发展。它们是以主权原则为基础的国家关系秩序、以区域合作为基础的一体化或准一体化地区秩序、以国际组织和世界性机构的治理机制为基础的全球秩序。正是由于这三个层面的发展均不完善甚至存在着严重缺陷 ,才形成当今国家主权秩序与世界 (国际 )秩序重叠、现实主义秩序与理想主义秩序重叠、平等主义 (民主 )秩序与霸权主义秩序重叠 (因而国际合作与单边主义并存 )的局面。这也预示着世界未来多极化 ,不但是力量的多极化 ,而且是文化和价值观的平等多元化 ,但国际社会在利益点和价值判断上的认同将不断增多 ,并将创造更具效能的国际规范体系、更加成熟的主权国家秩序和更有内聚力的合作性地区秩序 ,它们共同支撑并保障一个民主的、反对并制约霸权的文明国际政治秩序。中国反对霸权主义和在和平、合作、发展基础上建立民主的国际政治新秩序的对外战略 ,顺应了这一历史潮流 ,在国际关系实践中应积极参与并推动上述三个层面的秩序构建。
The realization of the ideal of establishing a democratic international political order and of effectively keeping world hegemony in check relies on the development of three kinds of order:an order among nation-states based on the rules of sovereignty,a regional integrated order based on regional cooperation,and a worldwide order based on a global governance mechanism of international organizations and global institutions.Since each order has not fully developed itself and some even suffer from serious defects,there is a coexistence of a national sovereignty-oriented order and a world (or international) order, a pro-realist order and a pro-idealist order,and a democratic (egalitarian) order and a hegemonic order.This also indicates that global multi-polarity will be manifested not only in terms of multi-polar forces,but also in terms of the equality and plurality of cultures and values.However,the common ground in interests and values will still increase.In the future,an improved world system and a mature nation-state order and a highly cohesive regional integrated order will work together to boost the building of a democratic international political order and will restrict any hegemonic order.
World Economics and Politics