
人的安全与东亚:回顾与展望 被引量:17

East Asia and Human Security:Review and Prospects
摘要 尽管“人的安全”这个概念仅仅存在于安全政策的边缘 ,但已受到越来越多的关注。一方面 ,它重视人类的多重性 ;另一方面 ,则更加直接地关注在暴力冲突情况下对个人或者单个团体的保护。干预和国家主权国际委员会 2 0 0 1年的报告和人类安全委员会 2 0 0 3年的报告分别反映了这两个不同的侧重。在东亚 ,就“人的安全”概念的争论已经相当深入。亚洲最初的反应是谨慎、怀疑的。亚洲国家一贯坚持以国家为中心的安全秩序 ,强调国家主权 ,反对干涉一国国内事务。但自从 1997年的金融危机以来 ,亚洲各国、地区组织、学术机构和民间社团对“人的安全”的态度逐渐转向积极 ,大部分注意力都集中在对“人的安全”的广义理解和对安全的非传统威胁方面。进而 ,这一趋势引发了对“人的安全”最具争议性的问题的讨论 ,即对个人的保护、干涉和外交的新形式。但是 ,“9·11”事件之后的美国政策和反恐战略阻碍了“人的安全”在某些方面的发展。尽管如此 ,一些关于“人的安全”的思想还是创造性地影响了一些国家的安全政策、对外行为和地区秩序的规范基础。 Though operating at the margins of security discourse and policy,the idea of human security is of growing significance.Human security comes in two basic packages,one concerned with multiple aspects of human well-being and the other more directly focused on the protection of individuals and communities in situations of violent conflict.The reports of two international commissions,the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (2001) and the Commission on Human Security (2003),reflect these different emphases.In East Asia the concept has been debated with some intensity.The initial reaction was cautious and negative, not surprising considering that the region has embraced a state-centric security order emphasizing national sovereignty and non-interference in domestic affairs.But since the economic crisis in 1997,states,regional institutions,academics,and civil society groups have taken a more positive approach to the concept.Most of the attention has focused on a broader understanding of human security and the specific idea of'non-traditional'threats to security.This in turn has opened a window for a discussion on the more controversial aspects of human security related to the protection of individuals ,intervention,and new forms of diplomacy.The impact of an assertive United States after September 11 and the anti-terrorism agenda have undercut several aspects of the human security approach.Nevertheless, several ideas associated with human security are having a seminal influence on security discourse,state practice,and the normative basis of regional order.
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第6期43-48,共6页 World Economics and Politics
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  • 1Fen Hampson, et al., Madness in the Multitude: Human Security and World Disorder, Oxford University Press,2002, pp. 1 -37.
  • 2Amitav Acharya, "Human Security East versus West," lnternational Journal,Summer 2001,p.443.
  • 3William Tow, Ramesh Thakur and In-Taek Hyum, eds. ,Asia ' s Emerging Regional Order: Reconciling Traditional and Human Security, Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2000.
  • 4Lee Chyungly, "Human Security. : Implications for Taiwan' s International Roles, "http://www. humansecurity, info, July 1, 2003.
  • 5Chu Shulong, China, Asia and Issues of Sovereignty and Iruervention,China Institute of International Relations, November 2000.
  • 6Mao Yuxi, "Human Intervention' s Dubious," China Daily, February 25,2002.
  • 7Chu Shulong, China and Human Security, http://www.pcaps.iar.ubc. ca, p.25.
  • 8Allen Carlson, " Protecting Sovereignty, Accepting Intervention: The Dilemma of Chinese Foreign Relations in the 1990s,"New York: National Committee on United States - China Relations, China Policy Series, No. 18, September 2002,p.3.
  • 9Amitav Acharya, "Human Socttrity, "pp.444 - 451.
  • 10Pierre Lizee," Human Security in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia," Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 24, No. 3, December 2002.











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