研究了壳聚糖(CHI)/碱铝(PAC)复配絮凝剂对炼油污水的处理效果,考察了pH值、搅拌时间、沉降时间对炼油污水处理效果的影响,并将之与聚丙烯酰胺(GD 112)/PAC复配絮凝剂对炼油污水处理的效果进行对比。结果表明,CHI/PAC复配絮凝剂在复配比为1:5,pH为7,搅拌10min且沉降10min时处理效果最好,具有适应性广、投加量少、浮渣少、毒性低等特点。
The treatment effect of complex flocculants CHI/PAc on oily wastewater was studied.The optimal dose,pH,time of stirring and time of settling to oily wastewater treatment were ascertained.The oily wastewater treatment effect of CHI/PAC was compared with that of PAM/PAC.The results showed that complex flocculants CHI/PAC had the advantages of wide adaptability,low dosage,few scum,low toxicity,etc.
Sichuan Environment