民国时期吉林省的水田开发全面展开 ,水田面积从民国初年不足千顷 ,到 2 0世纪 2 0年代末已经发展到约 7万顷 ,成为东北地区水田面积最多的省份。吉林省的水田大面积开发 ,既与朝鲜移民的大量迁入有密切的联系 ,也是当时吉林省地方政府积极推动的结果。吉林省为了推进水田开发 ,采取了调查和丈放低洼淤荒 ,制订和颁布各种鼓励水利建设的章程 ,设置一些水利管理机构 ,调节民间水利纠纷等一系列政策和措施 。
The opening-up of paddy fields in Jilin province was launched in full scale in Minguo period The total area of paddy fields had increased from less than a thousand hectares at the beginning of Minguo period to about 70,000 hectares at the end of the 1920’s Therefore, Jilin province has become the one in northeast China that has the largest area of paddy fields, which is not only the result of the migration of a great number of Korean immigrants, but also that of the promotion of the local government In order to push forward the opening-up of paddy fields,Jilin government carried out a series of policies, including surveying and measuring the low-lying silted undeveloped land, formulating and issuing all kinds of rules that encouraged the construction of irrigation works,setting up organizations that managed water conservancy, and settling the civilian disputes on water conservancy
Ancient and Modern Agriculture
Minguo Period,Jilin Province, the Opening-up of Paddy Fields,Policies