大雪山自然保护区森林面积为15310 6hm2,森林覆盖率为87 28%;分析了大雪山自然保护区的森林资源特点,根据森林资源的特点及主要的生态功能作用,从涵养水源、防止水土流失、养护土壤肥力、粮食增产和净化空气等5个功能指标,估算出该自然保护区生态功能的年价值为12742 4万元,为其立木经济价值的8 67倍。
The characteristics of the forest resource of Daxueshan Nature Reserve with forest area of (15 310.6)hm^2 and forest coverage rate of 87.28% are analyzed. Based on the characteristics and major ecological functions, it is estimated by using 5 functional quotas that the annual value of these functions is 127.424 million yuan, as 8.67 times of economic value of stumpages. The 5 quotas are as followed: conserving water, preventing from soil erosion, maintaining soil fertility, increasing crop yield and purifying air.
Forest Inventory and Planning