An experiment was conducted to study the effects of application of sludge compost in rape and lettuce soils. The experiments site was located in the Water- Saving Irrigation Experimental Station in the Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Technology University, the sewage sludge was obtained from the north stone bridge dirty water handles factory in Xi'an City, and rape and lettuce were planted. The sequential extraction proceeding was applied to measure the distribution of Cu and Zn in soil fractions. Relationship between Zn and Cu fraction distribution, affecting factor, and the accumulation of Cu and Zn in the soil was also investigated. The result showed that: 1) the available contents and fraction contents in soils applied with sludge compost increased with the application of sludge compost, and the more the sludge compost applied, the more the contents increased. 2) the copper content orders in soil fractions was followed with: Res- Cu>MnO- Cu>OM- Cu>Exe- Cu>Car- Cu, and the exchangeable copper contributed most to the available content of copper, and the copper allocated mainly in residual fraction. Zinc distributed most in residual fraction, then in iron and manganese oxide fractions, and carbonate boned fractions and organic matter boned fractions followed. 3) the significant difference of accumulation amount of Cu and Zn in rape and lettuce soil was observed. The copper accumulated in the lettuce soil was higher than that in the rape soil, and the accumulation of Zn in the rape soil was higher than that in the lettuce soil.
Journal of Agro-Environment Science