艺术家 ,比一般人更强烈地渴求完美。一旦社会现实与他们的渴求相悖 ,他们便以自杀作为和现实世界抗衡的惟一和最有力的方式。艺术家对死亡境界的探求 ,其最终的意义是对自我的探索和思考。自杀 ,不是藐视生命 ,而是艺术家的尊严发挥到极致的产物 ,是对生命最大意义的尊重。文章试图通过对艺术家的自杀进行剖析 。
Artists are often perfectionists and many of them choose death when their hopes of the world are destroyed. This article makes a cultural and psychological review of the suicide phenomenon of artists and suggests that artist' suicide is often an expression of the artist's extreme personality and his respect of life rather than despise of life.
Journal of Ningbo University:Liberal Arts Edition