Struts是一个MVC的框架,使开发者在构建基于JSP、servlet、taglib(标签库)的Web应用时更加容易。Struts从产生到现在时间不长,但已经越来越多地运用于软件开发。尽管它还存在不足之处,但它是一种非常优秀的J2EE MVC实现方式,我们有必要学习和发展完善。本文介绍了Struts架构和它是如何清晰地区分控制、事务逻辑和外观的,给出了用它开发的基于Web查询的工业设备监测系统的的应用实例。最后总结了几点开发经验,试图对Struts的应用进行有益的探索。
Struts is a framework of MVC.it makes the developments of Web application based on JSP,servlet and taglib more easy. It is not a long time after Struts came into being, yet it has been used more and more in the trade software developments. Although it still has defects and shortcomings now. it is one kind of extraordinary excellent J2EE MVC ' s realization means, so it' s necessary for us to study and develop it perfectly. The paper introduces Struts' structure and it partition control, business logic and view , and give out a web application example on industry monitoring which developed with it. Finally, trying to make a useful studying on the application of Struts, some conclusions are made from practice.
Control & Automation