波前像差引导的准分子激光角膜消融是屈光手术的新方法 ,本文研究目的用像差来引导屈光手术 ,使人眼的视力能够达到 2 0 / 10以上 ,并避免当前PRK、LASIK屈光手术前后像差增大而引起的对视觉质量的影响。分析人眼像差的概念和产生的原因 ,并用Zernike多项式表示 ,理论上定量地分析了Zernike多项式表示的波前像差与角膜切削深度的关系 ,研究了准分子激光切削角膜的机理 ,给出了准分子激光人眼像差矫正系统的原理框图 ,达到了矫正人眼像差的目的。
WAGCA(wavefront aberration guided cornea ablation)is a corneal refractive surgery method for wavefront-guided ablation. The purpose of this research was to determine the corneal contribution to the aberrations of the human eyes, and to create an ideal correction. The research will lead to 'perfect' vision , 'supervision' vision, 'eagle' vision, 'aberration' viion, it can reduce aberrations and eliminate night vision problems caused by PRK/LASIK surgery. The concept of the human aberration was presented and analyzed why causing aberration. We applied Zernike polynomials to describe the shape of an aberrated wavefront in the pupil of an optical system fitted the data to a Zernike series to reconstruct the wavefront aberrations of living human eye. Given the expressions aberration guided cornea ablation depth, mechanism of action of excimer laser corneal surgery, the schema of the excimer laser aberration correction system. Our experiments results show WAGCA can reduce wavefront aberration.
Applied Laser
江苏省‘十五’高技术研究项目(BG2 0 0 2 0 12 )
江苏省‘六大人才’首批项目(苏人通 2 0 0 3- 7)资助