
基于互操作计算的SBDM设备管理模型的研究 被引量:5

Research of a SBDM model based on interoperable computing
摘要 普适计算时代,各种嵌入式Internet设备将被嵌入到人们的生活空间中。然而,由于它们支持各不相同的管理协议,很难进行统一管理。对此,首先提出了一种嵌入式Internet设备互操作机制棗服务共享机制,并描述了其基本概念、体系结构、ICS协议栈和服务访问过程。然后在此基础上提出了一个设备管理模型SBDM,把用户和设备厂商从传统设备管理模型存在的功能与协议的纠缠问题中释放出来。最后,设计实现了一个SBDM应用框架,对其进行了验证。 In ubiquitous computing era, various devices will be embedded into our living space. However, it is difficult to management them for different management protocols supported by them. To resolve this issue, firstly, this paper put forward an interoperable mechanism--service share mechanism, and described basic concepts, architecture, ICS protocol stack and service access process of it. Then, a SBDM management model of devices was presented. It releases both users and manufacturers from the tangle of services and management protocols exist in traditional management models. Finally, an application framework of SBDM was designed to validate and verify this technology.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期84-93,共10页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(69873007)
关键词 嵌入式INTERNET 普适计算 互操作计算 服务共享 设备管理 SBDM embedded Internet ubiquitous computing interoperable computing service share device management SBDM
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