基于 TMS320VC5402 芯片,完成 32路 DTMF/MFC/CAS/CALL 信号的检测,DTMF/MFC/CALL 及自定义频率信号的产生,并完成 300Hz—3400Hz 音频信号幅度的检测。文中详细介绍该收发器的系统及算法、软件设计。
The transceiver which is based on TMS320VC5402 chip can detect andn generate 32 channel DTMF, MFC, CAS and CALL signal. The transceiver also can detect the amplitude of signal which frequency ranged from 300Hz to 3400Hz and generate user - defined multifrequency signal. In this paper, the system, arithmetic and software design are introduced in detail.
Electronic Measurement Technology